When I first drew my best-selling earring (years ago), my boyfriend at the time offered to take it into Photoshop to clean it up. Back then I only produced one pair, for myself, so I wouldn't have noticed how lopsided he had created my original hand drawn design into. Haha.
It wasn't until I, along with my partner in business and best friend, embarked on our mission to mass produce this earring using that template, that we noticed the flaw. Every time we beaded a pair according to the pattern, something was off and we couldn't figure it out. Eventually, we realized it was in the pattern.
Still until this day, I haven't changed it. Instead I manage to work around the flaw. I improvise - creating my own balance of beads to create an even number on all sides of the circle. I do this every time I bead a new pair because it reminds me of how Life can be like that sometimes. It can be off and unbalanced, lopsided even. It's then that you must count your beads graciously and improvise! Because in the end, the color of it all takes over and the flaws diminish - almost like they never existed at all.
In the end, it's all balance anyhow :)
Be blessed and love with everything that u are...
1 comment:
I like this post... and I like improvising! (:
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