1. Understanding the Success Formula
“Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.”–Earl Wilson
Success is usually the result of concentrated focus in an area where you have a natural advantage. Concentrated focus multiplies your effectiveness seven-fold. Concentrated focus makes the difference.
One man with discipline, determination, and focus will accomplish more than a 100 men who are merely interested.
The use of concentrated focus in an area where you are talented, will in time, grant you the opportunity to succeed. Success has almost nothing to do with luck. What people call luck is usually the offspring of concentrated focus. Success may appear to be the result of luck, but appearances are often deceiving.
2. Passionate Energy and Drive
“Success in almost any field depends more onenergy and drive than it does on intelligence.”–Sloan Wilson
When we talk about concentrated effort, we’re talking about using our energy and drive in one area. Energy and drive will surely take you down the road of success. Energy and drive will cause you to climb the hurdles that keep others from succeeding.
Another word for “energy and drive” is passion. Are you passionate about your goal? If you’re going to succeed, you’re going to have to have an unprecedented passion to see your goal realized. You can’t do it for the money, you can’t do it for the fame; you must do it for the love. How passionate are you?
3. The Realization That Success is a Science
“Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.”–Oscar Wilde
Success is scientific, and it’s predictable. Its cause and effect; you do this, and you get this result. Don’t try to mystify success; this will only keep it out of your reach.
Success is a simple science; simple to understand that is.
Although success is quite simple to understand, it is usually very difficult to accomplish; difficult to accomplish, …but still worth the price.
It’s true that the price of “true success” is never too high. As the saying goes, “No journey is too great, when one finds what he seeks.” You see, “true success” is finding exactly what you seek, in every area of your life. True success, is balanced success.
4. Pure Enthusiasm
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”–Winston Churchill
To run you must first crawl, to succeed you must first fail. Failure is a part of success, you can’t separate the two. To say that you want success without failure is to say you want water, without the wet. It’s a package deal, you get them both.
Failure is the school that trains you for success; you can’t succeed without a degree from Failure State University (FSU). It’s through failure that you prepare to succeed. The secret is to never lose enthusiasm as you go from failure to failure.
If you learn from each failure, while working in an area where you’re passionate, you will make progress, and in time, you will succeed.
5. Effort, Effort, Effort
“Success is dependent on effort.”–Sophocles
When it’s all said and done, the person who succeeds is usually the person who has put in the most effort in a particular field. Look at the successful people in the world, the great writers, have spent the most time writing, the great actors, have spent the most time acting, the great singers, have spent the most time singing; these individuals worked towards their natural gifts, and they allowed “effort” to carry them the rest of the journey.
Are you giving your best effort? Success requires all that you are. You won’t succeed on 20 percent effort; you are going to have to give your all. So let me encourage you to give your all today, and when you do, your life will never, ever, ever be the same.
Thank you for reading and please pass this article along!
About the Author: Mr. Self Development is an author who teaches a practical guide to success and wealth. Please visit him at Mr. Self Development.com or read one of his most popular articles, “How I Manifested a Seven Bedroom Home at 24.”
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