Soo... I'm still at it! Today was the hardest of all days. I was beading until 3:30am this morning and woke up at 7:30am. I woke up because I felt like crap! I felt so congested and the sinus pressure was pretty intense. I can't take any medicine during this cleanse, however, I really avoid medicine already. Anyhow, I got up and knew that I needed to salt water flush stat! I always feel better after a flush. The salt water flush today was like all the others. This flush wasn't as solid as the others but it was just as gross. I fell back asleep shortly after I was finished flushing.
I slept until 2:30pm. I was really tired. I slept hard, yet, my dreams have been pretty out there. I already have some weird ones sometimes, however, these were more vivid and I kind of felt outside myself during these ones. I woke up and needed to shower because I swear, I felt like there was a thin layer of residue all over my body. Not only that, I was starting to smell a "dead roses" smell! Haha, not sure if that was me but I wasn't trying to find out :-I A super hot shower helped clear out my sinuses and I scrubbed extra good! Following the shower, I noticed a rise in saliva production in my mouth today. Brushed my teeth for like the 4th time today, and that was the moment I noticed the thick white layer of crud on my tongue.
All of the above symptoms are normal and expected. My body is definitely detoxing and excreting the grossness within. It's disgusting but it's awesome to know it's getting done! My hunger level is still manageable. My tummy was growling at the beginning of the day but everything else is mental. My family had Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner... I have no interest in that garbage anyways so it was completely okay. I haven't had KFC for over 4yrs... I don't dig depressed chicken, no thanks!
I'm still trying to finish the rest of this lemonade right now, then I'm heading to bed. Sinus pressure is my biggest complaint today, I almost feel like I have a cold? I know the feeling of "skinny" during these detoxes and I don't feel that yet haha. I can keep this going without feeling the need to eat my arm...
Day 3 by the numbers:
Lemonade consumed: 64oz
Pounds lost: 3 today, 6.5 lost total
Measurements (bust, waist, hips): 37 in. x 27 in. x 39in.
Energy level (1-10 — 1=dead weight, 10=olympian): 5
Hunger level (1-10 — 1=poster boy for famine, 10=fuck food): 7
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