
Master Cleanse - DAY FOUR

Holy sheep! I got through Day 4 with no problem at all. I'm convinced that Day 3 is theee hardest. I did everything like I should, it's become such a routine! No more sinus congestion! I do sound like I am getting over a cold though, my voice is a little raspy from all the drainage. Other than that, I felt normal today! I'm sure I smell lol and my tongue still feels bleh but I'm bursting with energy. There's not much to report today :) On that note, I wanted to chit chat a bit before I sign-off to prepare for Day 5 tomorrow - my final day!! :)

Today I woke up to a lot of inspired Twitter friends, wanting to start their own Master Cleanse :-) I encourage anyone to start it, the benefits are endless. I know that the losing weight can be a motivation to start the cleanse. I don't discourage anyone with this motivation from starting it, you will lose weight. However, its the overall cleansing that will help put you on that road to healthier eating and living - this was my experience with the Master Cleanse. Importantly, I can't stress enough to people thinking about trying it - do your research! Read the book - I have it if anyone needs the PDF emailed to them. Also, the Master Cleanse and Master Cleanse-Raw Food website are very informative during the actual cleanse. I found the forums on those sites helpful during my first few cleanses. Nevermind what Beyonce says, lol do your own research.

Today, I also heard a few people say the Master Cleanse was "wrong". I live a pretty healthy life I think. I'm active and eat good, yet, I do these cleanses when I feel the need to clean from within. I'm happy doing so, it's become another thing I do to keep healthy, IN and out! I've come to realize with my own body that I need a combination of things to keep my temple dope. I used to play college soccer, I know a lot about physical exercise. However, I also know that you can run marathons but if you aren't right with your nutrition and digestion... it won't mean a thing! I do me and you do you...

Soo, I'm really excited for those that are starting this cleanse soon! I wanna hear the stories and details! It really will change your path to healthier eating. All your hard work during this cleanse will be your motivation to upkeep those insides lol. Clean colons save lives people! Haha! Good night lovers...

Be blessed...

Day 4 by the numbers:
Lemonade consumed: 64oz

Pounds lost: 3.25 today, 9.75 lost total
(bust, waist, hips): 36 in. x 27 in. x 37in.
Energy level
(1-10 — 1=dead weight, 10=olympian): 9
Hunger level
(1-10 — 1=poster boy for famine, 10=fuck food): 10

1 comment:

Suget said...

Neat.. I love your number 10 on the Hunger Level haha.
GREAT JOB!! I am seriously going to try this master cleanse to clean my body out. I need to be healthy asap (: anyway... I can't wait to read your update today...?