
Post-It-note Please...

Do you remember this episode?? Of course you do! How could any girl that's ever been dumped, forget this episode haha! It was the infamous episode of
Sex and the City, where Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) finds herself being dumped by her boyfriend Berger (Ron Livingston), via a freaking Post-It note! I remember watching it and thinking "What a chump! Who does that?! Man, I'd be pissed if some douche ever did that too me!"

Well, I'd take the Post-It-note ending about now...

An ending that includes words (any kind of words, written or not haha) is more dignifying than let's say, an "Evaporating" ending. Evaporating endings are those when he/she simply just stops calling or answering the phone. Not only does he/she take themselves out of the relationship, he/she takes away the other person's right to express the hurt they feel. The uncomfortable feelings that go with dumping someone may be lousy, but it beats disappearing any day of the week, leaving that person wondering. I would guess that this tactic is popular amongst more male daters than female - it's easy. It requires zero effort; any coward is capable.

So yes, can I please just have the damn Post-It-note...

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