
Today's Food for Thought...

In high school I took a series of art classes, I went as far as you could possible go with high school art - independent study art even! Anyhow, I took a ceramics class once and I can remember the first time we finally got to work hands-on with the clay. When we got the clay, it was literally this huge slab. We had to use string/wire to cut through the clay, because there was no way a knife would be able to make a dent in the thing. I remember though, that even with the string/floss/wire, it was still quite the difficult to cut. With the substance being that dense and hard to cut, you could only imagine how much more difficult it was to mold. I like things I can control, and working with clay wasn't as easy as I needed it to be, to feel inferior to it. Needless to say, that was my first and last ceramics class haha.

I've always loved to paint, and working with clay wasn't anything like painting. First, you had to warm up that huge slab of clay. This wasn't one of those put-it-in-the-microwave kind of warm ups. You really had to work with it. You had to get your hands in there, knead, pound, hammer, and literally beat the crap out of it - just to get it to be workable. To get it to be moldable, you had to do even more kneading, pounding, and etc. It was an insane workout on your arms and upper body. To add to it all, it took a lot of time.

Every class pretty much started with this tedious process of warming up your clay. Though it may not have been as difficult as the initial session when we first cut the clay, it was still necessary to knead and pound the mound of clay so that it was workable again. This was an on-going process each day at the beginning of each class because the clay cooled down and somewhat hardened from the last time you had worked with it.
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It's been awhile since I've been on my blog game. I'm still getting back into it - slowly, yet surely though! I used to blog often on Myspace but fell out of it somewhere. Life has been... well... life: ever-changing, ever-shifting, ever-growing. The past few years have been "trying" to say the least; from personal stuff, to losing people close to me. Then to top that off, add; work, moving back and forth across country, releasing three earrings collections, and everything else in between. It's been a bit of an insane roller coaster ride mos def. Still, I fly by the seat of my pants most weeks, other weeks, I'm dealing with the emotions of it all.

It's a good life though - I remain amazed with the paths I've had laid before me. Prayer and faith have been my guide through it all. Lately I wonder, amidst all that chaos, how stubborn and hardened I must have been for God to have to go and lay down all these hard knocks just so I'd be moldable again. I know I'm stubborn at heart, always have been, probably always will be to some extent. In light of that self-awareness, I wonder how much harder I make it for God to teach because of that fact. I'm quite the amazed, that He has yet to throw in the towel and say "Forget it! I'm done trying!". I know I probably would have, because I'm not that patient. Instead, He forges forward, working through the toughness and ever-patiently making slow progress, even if it's only little bits at a time.

Just some food for thought.

Be blessed...

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