I have these green and white Pumas that I have yet to wear. I bought them in January!! I keep holding out on these and many more, to find the perfect matching shirt or the perfect event, in which I'll need brand spanking new white shoes. I love those shoes!! However, I've kept myself from enjoying them.
I've always been a saver for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I'd organize my personal belongings into "normal" and "favorite" - whether it be candy, shoes, paints, or blank journals I had received as gifts. I'd rarely enjoy my "favorites" because I wanted to save them. I'd use my mediocre paints, eat the cheap Halloween candy, or wear my old shoes instead - delaying my gratification of what I really wanted.
Sometimes being the saver was very useful because it's kept me from indulging in a lot of instant gratification behaviors like over-spending, over-drinking, over-eating, etc. But now as I look at my tendency to hoard items without ever using them, I start to see patterns that go deeper than clothes. The saver in me has kept me from enjoying some nice things like beads, fabric, food, eye shadow, towels & linen, beautiful lingerie that is tucked in the back of a drawer, shoes, and most of all - my own personal feelings.
In past relationships, I saved the "best me" for a day when I would feel comfortable enough with myself to reveal myself. That day never really ever came because I had spent most my time never living in the NOW of things, resulting in two unhappy people. I see now that this isn't a way to live. I missed out on a lot, imagining and holding out for that "better day".
I’m not going to wait anymore for special occasions to enjoy all the fine things, especially when it comes to happiness! Why save it up in a can when you can be happy TODAY? I’m realizing this is the perfect way to create more happiness. Happiness and instant gratification isn’t meant to be stored in a can of savings.

If there are things in your life you are not enjoying now because you think you will enjoy them more someday in the future, set your saver free and indulge yourself. Wear your really good underwear, take yourself out in the outfit that is collecting dust in your closet, plan the trip you've been waiting to take, wear those green and white Pumas! What are you waiting for? Make TODAY your special occasion.
Every day you are alive is a special occasion….
Be blessed…
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