Then, a few days ago I had a dream that the same snake bit me at the wrist. It all played out the same, the point of teeth puncturing and all. This time, I see blood drawn and I attempt to pry its jaws open to release myself - then it says, "Just let me, you know you'll just end up doing it to yourself eventually". This dream was shorter, but it all remains clear in my mind for days.
I'm Navajo and as Navajo culture and belief would have it, snakes are not a good sign. We don't touch them, avoid looking at them, and there can be several explanations for any encounter we might have with them. I've heard people say that if you see them, someone is plotting against you and sending bad energy your way. Also, I've heard that it can mean someone is talking with "a forked-tongue" about you, also known as someone talking behind your back. After the first dream, these things came to mind right away when I woke up. I couldn't stop thinking about how it was so determined to get my right hand, and it scared me a bit because these hands are my "tools" for creativity, especially my right beading hand. I also felt a bit uneasy about the idea that I had conversation with the snake, almost like I knew who it was - like a familiar voice. So you can imagine how much I started to scare myself, thinking about who it could be.
The days following that initial dream brought a few strange messages from people of my past – I questioned if they were the snake. I attempted to relate little things about those encounters with those two people to my dream. I even went as far as thinking the snake was my sub conscience talking to me but I didn't really even feel that was it.

I was good real quick, even now; I know that by blogging about it, I've squashed whatever might have scared me about those dreams. I don't feel anything negative, but you see, that takes training of the thought. I realize that dreams like that can be taken two ways, good or bad, it all just depends on the energy you give back to it - this is true for anything in life. I think now on it and realize that in both dreams, the snake's venom was never an issue - I was never disabled or slowed by it. I had fear - yes, but I wasn't slowed down in my dreams, I was okay. This led me to the thinking that everyone has to be their OWN good medicine. Your own inner medicine lies within you refusing the poison of others, by always keeping positive in thought. Those positive thoughts ARE your good medicine - keep them near :-)
Be blessed...